Archive for » September, 2011 «

Qantas finally turned up with Mitch’s suitcase at lunchtime – well, ok, a courier paid for by Qantas….

A day of rest and recovery today to get rid of the jetlag for Mitch. Followed by an early night in preparation for our road trip to the Rugby World Cup 2011 opening ceremony in Auckland tomorrow.


Left work at lunchtime to get changed and back on the road to Wellington to pick up Mitch.

As we were waiting in arrivals, his name was called a couple of times to report to staff in the arrivals hall, if he was in arrivals – things were sounding a bit suspicious:

  1. Was he being turned away for having no passport?
  2. Had his suitcase exploded and was strewn across the aircraft hold?
  3. Was he drunk and disorderly?
  4. Did he fall asleep in Sydney and miss the flight?
  5. Did the sniffer dogs find anything suspicious in his luggage?
  6. Was he having an intimate meeting with rubber-gloved customs officials?
  7. All of the above?

Qantas will very nicely deliver his suitcase direct to our house! However, not until tomorrow!

As it turns out, after waiting a worrying hour, his suitcase never made it out of Sydney airport!

Aussies…….. typical!

Although he’s doing it in the past, ie. yesterday in the UK, my “bro” is in the air and flying out for what we hope will be a holiday of a lifetime for him.

We’re both so looking forward to seeing him again.

Let the good times roll, and the alcohol run free (well, at night time and when I’m not riding/driving)

Yes Beer

It also looks like I’ve finally gotten through the block that work was putting on updating this blog – HUZZAH!

Played 5 aside again for the first time in a couple of weeksFrown . Really good fun and a great workout but jeez did it hurt!