Archive for » August, 2010 «

Up early this morning to help carry out some server software upgrades and in to work for 5am…………..deep joy!

Louise is a little bit more into finishing the hall today methinks – once she gets the bit between her teeth!

Played 4 aside football today, so lots of running about (and a bit of falling over once the legs start giving out!). The game ended up in a draw, but as we all work in ITS, then it doesn’t really matter anyway……. just a way of taking note of the time spent running about!

Finally left about 4.20pm after lots of discussions around the forthcoming mail server migration.

Got home to find Louise has done really well in the hall. The heater was on to encourage the ceiling paint to dry before its last coat. She should then be able to put colour on the walls too then…. yippee! The paint works out at about $10-16 a litre (about £5-10), so not exactly the cheapest product in the world.


Another day in wet’n’windy Wellington, having left a gorgeous spring day on the Kapiti coast……..

I left Louise psyching herself up to start painting the upstairs hall today, I don’t think she wanted to get back into it this week.

Our container should be getting to Bluff tonight at about 11.30pm – nearly in NZ waters!!

Louise managed to steel herself up to do the undercoating, it looks very bright now – lots of doors though. I think it would have driven me loopy!

SDC12688 SDC12689

Ok, so I suck at keeping up the blog when the going gets a bit busy.

Decision made!

I’ll start filling in the blog again, from today, and backfill as I go along and get the time……….

As you may have gathered from the fact that you haven’t seen us around in the UK, we’re still in New Zealand! We both now have work permits, we’ve bought a house and car and I’m working in Wellington while Louise is donning her decorators garb nearly every day to “freshen up” the house!

We’ve just had a lovely weekend. Watched a few films in bed on Friday evening, and on Saturday we visited the RSA (Returned Services Association) in Paraparaumu and signed up for membership (cheaper drinks, a restaurant, snooker tables, carpet bowls, cards, big TV, trips away, housie and very friendly patrons), went shopping to Otaki where Louise found some boots she’d seen back when her Mum was here on holiday in March for a mere $50 per pair – they’d been sale in March for $310 a pair. Bargain!

We went shopping to Mitre 10 Mega in Petone today. Mainly for paint, but also lunch and a few DIY knick-knacks……. We left there a few hours later and popped into Wellington to see the film “Inception”. Our heads were hurting when we got out LOL, but a great film! On the plus side, despite being a capital city, we’d got a parking place on the opposite side of the road to the cinema complex and whats more, for free!! Long may Wellington be so easy to visit on a weekend…..

Back this evening for a quick chat with Louise’s parents and a watching eye on Skype to see if Mitch gets online………no luck so far Frown

Our container is now on board the MSC Martina heading towards Bluff on South Island. We should actually have all our stuff sometime in the next two weeks! Hurrah!