Got a phone call this morning from Ellen at New Zealand Defence Force – calling me forward for an interview at 2pm on Tue 9 Feb for both a senior and junior systems engineer. She told me that she’d e-mail me the details later in the day.
Well, the e-mail didn’t turn up until about 4pm, although I had spent the day researching the NZDF. Lo and behold, that’s not all that turned up! Attached were two forms, one easy one – police background check – and one not so easy 16 page security clearance form! I was up until about 3am filling out the security form – I didn’t have all the referee details I needed and was e-mailing 4 people (plus a few backups in case the ones I chose weren’t good enough!)!
Apart from stopping for some tea, not much else going on at all today – can’t imagine why!