More jobs done today, as well as answering mails and Facebook entries from concerned family and friends. Even the black & white NZ lifeform we’ve named “Poser” came around in a very affectionate mood.

Thank you all very much for your thoughts! We were actually asleep during the quake and its aftershocks, but New Zealand feels so much like home that even Christchurch feels like its just down the coast……

Lots done today. Louise has been sanding down the downstairs hallway, and I’ve been getting to grips with the intricacies of wiring Cat 6 ethernet cable sockets!

We had a quick chat with Louise’s parents tonight. Although I think the severe weather is affecting the internet, their sound was bad. It might have something to do with the 140kmh winds we can hear once we’re outside.

I think I might be taking the car in the morning. The police have suggested that motorcyclists and high sided trucks might want to reconsider their trips for the next 24 hours….

Category: Emigrating
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