Archive for » November 21st, 2009«

We were up again early today – the fresh air must be getting to me!

We had a tidy-up in the room and unpacked a few more bits to keep us going for the week in the hotel. Didn’t really fancy unpacking it all, and we’re staying well away from the motorbike suitcase – it’s packed so well it might explode if touched! At least we won’t be tripping over suitcases now – hurrah!

We popped down to Wellington city for a looksee and to pick up some mobile phones.

Cuba Street was brill, we must have passed a restaurant for nearly every type of cuisine. We ended up in Dick Smith’s to pick up a basic 2Degrees mobile for each of us- good spot Graham! The prices seem steeper than the UK for a basic phone, but the pay-as-you-go rates for phone calls are pretty attractive, albeit for 30 days at a time………..

We had a good wander around the shops and ended the afternoon at Te Papa – lovely place!