OK, time to sit down today and do some serious job-hunting! We’re just about settled in to the cottage now, we were never going to treat this as a major holiday time – and haven’t! It’s surprising what you think you remember about settling into a new home. You take many things for granted because you know you have them – well, we have, it’s just that they’re in store back in the UK!
Registered with a couple of agencies, backtracked to some job sites that I’d found in the UK – and some more suggested by a contact here – and e-mailed off to a couple of promising job prospects.
While I was doing this, Louise was sneaky and wrote all her Christmas cards. Sneaky or what! We popped out to Paraparam post them off and found that the last posting date for “”guaranteed”” for Christmas delivery was today! Sneaky and lucky all in one! Best I get a shift on this evening and get all mine done for the moro – if you don’t get one from me peeps, my bad, it’s on its way!!